On September 8th, the Lime Green Army decided to join the War of Sea and Shadow, scheduling an invasion on one of the Winged Hussars servers. What they didn't know was that the Wild Ninjas and the Recon Federation of Club Penguin made an agreement that the Wild Ninjas were not allowed to use the Lime Green Army's help in battles against them. However, the Wild Ninjas broke that agreement when one of the Lime Green Army's troops helped the Wild Ninjas. Recon Federation of Club Penguin let that pass, until the Lime Green Army joined the war. That was the final straw for the Recon Federation of Club Penguin.
The Recon Federation of Club Penguin leader, Prior Bumble, first scheduled an invasion on Wild Ninjas. That same day, the Treaty of Avalancha was made between Duck Knight Army, Wild Ninjas, and Winged Hussars.
The Treaty of Avalancha
Formed on 8/9/19, this treaty forbids either army to schedule invasions on one and another until October 26th, 2019. All currently scheduled invasions will be cancelled apart from Wild Ninjas' invasions of Beanie, taking place on 9/14/19. This will be dubbed "The Battle of Beanie" The DKA will transfer former Wild Ninjas territory, Husky, back to their lands. The Duck Knight Army will not get involved currents affairs between Recon Federation of Club Penguin and Wild Ninjas. The Wild Ninjas will not schedule further invasions of the Winged Hussars' territory whether the currently scheduled invasions on Alpine is successful or not, granted that Winged Hussars do not wish to continue the conflict. If this treaty is broken, the army who disgraced it will vacate their entire nation to the other.
- Cena, Duck Knight Army Leader
This left only the Recon Federation of Club Penguin, Lime Green Army, and Wild Ninjas in the war. However, Wild Ninjas soon drop out, resulting in the end of the War of Sea and Shadow. Afterwards, the Recon Federation of Club Penguin and Lime Green Army continued scheduling invasion each other's servers. After about four invasions, the Recon Federation of Club Penguin decided to declare war on the Lime Green Army.
RFCP declares a new war on LGA, no allies. If they wanna keep this up, we're gonna do this right. I shall be calling the war the Whack-A-Mole War (we will whack LGA servers that arise).
- Prior Bumble, Recon Federation of Club Penguin Leader
After war was declared, the first official invasion in the war was the Yeti (CPATG) commenced, resulting a win for the Lime Green Army due to its fairly new addition of an AUSIA division. The Recon Federation of Club Penguin has a hard time with these types of invasions because there are not many AUSIA troops in their army.
There will be many more battles to come; such as the possible reclamation of the White House. Let's see what the Lime Green Army leader, Karma, has to say about this war.
Interview with Karma, Lime Green Army Leader
Hexxer: What was your reaction when the Recon Federation of Club Penguin declared war on the Lime Green Army?
Karma: We scheduled a lot of invasions on them, so I wasn't really surprised they declared war on us. Regardless, I feel like Lime Green Army is ready to take on a war!
Hexxer: Why did the Recon Federation of Club Penguin declare war on the Lime Green Army?
Karma: I believe RFCP mainly wants to challenge our use of allies. They also obviously want to take our servers, but jokes on them, we don't have many to choose from.
Hexxer: What are some of your plans to win the war?
Karma: I can't spill too much, but we've dedicated a lot of time to building up our three divisions. Timing is our biggest ally in this war.
Hexxer: I see. Do you think the Lime Green Army will win the war?
Karma: Definitely!
Hexxer: How so?
Karma: Our troops are motivated to strike at any time, and we have the speed to outshine any of RFCP's tactics.
Hexxer: How long do you think the war will last?
Karma: Could be weeks, but we won't give up until RFCP does.
Hexxer: If the Lime Green Army loses, what will your reaction be?
Karma: A loss for LGA would inspire me to put more purpose into training/recruiting and push our ambition.
Hexxer: Optimistic! Always love a bit of it! Is there anything else you want to say?
Karma: Good luck to RFCP and long live the green!
The Lime Green Army is ready to take on any challenges Recon Federation of Club Penguin throws at them. However, the Recon Federation of Club Penguin is also strong depending on when their troops are most active, and as you know, there can be only one victor of this war.
So who you think will win? Will the Recon Federation of Club Penguin increase their AUSIA recruits? Will Lime Green Army actually win? Comment your answers below!
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