1. Rebel Penguin Federation [+0] [75.37]
2. Elite Guardians [+2] [51.29]
3. Army of Club Penguin [NEW!] [47.33]
4. Recon Federation [-2] [42.54]
5. Wild Ninjas [-2] [39.09]
6. Lime Green Army [+2] [34.77]
7. Duck Knight Army [+0] [27.83]
8. Winged Hussars [+0] [15.5]
9. Pizza Federation [-2] [14.61]
10. Fantasy Force [NEW!] [8.50]
<><><><><>Close to the Top Ten<><><><><>
11. Green Street Gang [NEW!] [8.00]
1. Rebel Penguin Federation
Though RPF maintain their top spot, the gap between themselves and the second place army continues to close. Their week was kicked off with a 26 man AUS event. Later that day, they had a conjoined training session with their two divisions, maxing a collective 51. After their routine day off, the army hosted an AUS costume session, maxing 23. This was followed up with the US hosting their own costume event, where they maxed 57. On Wednesday, RPF maxed 33 in an EU operation. Their next event was exactly 24 hours later, maxing 28. Friday brought two events, one with a max of 23 and one with a max of 44. Hours later, an AUS training saw sizes of just 18. To end their week, RPF maxed 35 in a training event.

2. Elite Guardians
The Elite Guardians began their week with a recruitment session, maxing 19 and an operation maxing 16. This was followed with a snowball event, maxing 19. Afterwards, they had a meme event maxing 21. Later they had a speed-run event, maxing 18. To end the week they had a march, maxing 18.

3. Army of Club Penguin
Making their triumphant, and official, return to the community this week, the Army of Club Penguin managed to debut in the top three spot. Their opening event was a solid max of 16. The army improved from there, maxing 18 in their next training event. They then opened their UK division on Wednesday, maxing a modest 13. ACP popped their 20+ cherry on Friday, maxing 23 in a training event. The next morning, they opened their AUS division with a max of 8. To close out their first week, they hosted a practice battle with the Lime Green Army, maxing 20. With an impressive list of army veterans on board, the second generation of the Army of Club Penguin aims to challenge other armies for the throne once again.

4. Recon Federation
With more competition on the rise for the top three, the Recon Federation may feel disappointed with their performance this week. They opened with a practice battle, maxing 12 against the Duck Knight Army. Hours later, they held a recruiting session, maxing 7. During the evening, the army hosted a themed training session and another recruiting event, maxing 12 in both events. On Tuesday, RFCP maxed 13 in a basic training session. Their next event was a recruiting session that saw sizes of 8. This was followed up by a swearing in ceremony, maxing 10. Later that day, the army hosted a birthday party for Cena with 13 attendees. Just an hour after that, the army maxed 10 in another training event. Friday morning brought another recruiting session, this time maxing 8. They closed out their week in an unfortunately cancelled practice battle with the Pizza Federation, maxing 14.

5. Wild Ninjas
Wild Ninjas began their week with a a sled racing event maxing 10, a recruitment event maxing 9, and a card jistu event maxing 8. They followed this with a practice battle against LGA, maxing 9. After this, they had a hide a seek event maxing 8 and a disco party maxing 11. To end the week, they held an AUSIA recruitment maxing 11, a Simon-says event maxing 8, and a training event maxing 10.

6. Lime Green Army
LGA had four events this week. On Thursday LGA had a stamp collecting event maxing 13 and a practice battle against WN maxing 11. To finish off their week, LGA had an AUSIA training event maxing 9 and a practice battle against ACP maxing 14.

7. Duck Knight Army
DKA spent their last week as an army fighting in practice battles against other armies. First on Friday, DKA had a practice battle against RFCP, maxing 11. On the same day, they had another practice battle against WN, maxing 10.

8. Winged Hussars
WH had one event this week; an Ice Fishing tournament maxing 7.

9. Pizza Federation
PZF had two events this week, both on Friday. First training maxing 4 and then an Igloo Raid maxing 9.

10. Fantasy Force
Fantasy Force entered the community this week. They held their opening event, maxing 5.

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