Friday, November 15, 2019

Romans Enter Reconstruction

UNKNOWN TERRITORY, Romans Nation - Seeing CPA armies come and go is quite fascinating, especially seeing old armies return in this era. This is the tale of one of the old armies currently entering reconstruction, this is the tale of the Romans.

The Romans were a CP army from 2006 which was led by Explorer777 and digtjvgvhxqy. They closed in 2018 and since had 1 successor, The Nova Phoenix Corps. They were created after the Colour Wars had concluded, they became well-known after the Roman Helmet was introduced into CP in 2006.

1 year later, in 2019, a user by the name of Smurf decided to re-create the Romans. The name later changed to Colosseum Gaming. They still operate the same, being a Club Penguin Army, having events, and having links to the CPATG website.

Why did the Romans decide to reform? I sit down and talk with Romans leader Smurf on why they decided to do it!

Smurf, Romans Leader

Langly: Hey Smurf! I am Langly, a reporter for the CPA. I'm currently writing an article about your army, The Romans, and I think it would be nice to include an interview!

Smurf: Absolutely.

Langly: So tell me, why did you reform and revive the Romans?

Smurf: I reformed the Romans for many reasons, one of them being my disappointment in our last generation.  Not because it wasn't successful back in 2017-2018, it performed around the same as any army nowadays, but the army's cord was cut loose too soon due to an abundant amount of reasons.  I've felt a sense of loss having had my homeland taken away from me, and I wanted it back. The Romans are historically one of the most badass armies out there, setting stone the future of CP armies along with ACP.  Many generations have been unheard of, no documentation of them whatsoever, which is why I'm here to make sure their legacy lives on. Many Roman veterans disliked the idea of a revival, but I knew it had to be done.

Langly: Ok! If the Romans were to ever close down again, would you reform them again?

Smurf: Probably not.  I hope they don't close down again, I won't let that happen.  Hypothetically speaking, if that were to ever happen, I'd probably revive or create a new army as a successor to the Romans.

Langly: Thanks for talking with me, sorry if this wasn't long. I've just woken up and my mind's like aa right now.

Smurf: That’s okay.


To conclude, The Romans return has been fascinating. We hope their return to the community isn’t too hard, and we wish them a good journey in the future.



Club Penguin Armies Reporter



Club Penguin Armies Editor

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