1. Rebel Penguin Federation [+0] [87.93]
2. Lime Green Army [+2] [81.40]
3. Shock Troops [+4] [63.15]
4. Army of Club Penguin [-2] [60.00]
5. Recon Federation [+0] [46.67]
6. Elite Guardians [-3] [43.43]
7. Romans [+6] [28.10]
8. People's Imperial Confederation [-2] [26.60]
9. Wild Ninjas [-1] [24.00]
10. Winged Hussars [+0] [22.72]
<><><><><>Close to the Top Ten<><><><><>
11. Poke Warriors Army [NEW!] [22.20]
12. Arctic Ops [+0] [20.25]
13. Pizza Federation [-2] [13.75]
14. Redemption Force [-5] [13.00]
15. Dark Vikings [NEW!] [12.00]
16. The Great Themes [-2] [9.00]
For full calculations, click HERE.
1. Rebel Penguin Federation
The Rebel Penguin Federation began their week with an AUSIA event, maxing 22. On the same day, RPF held it's weekly branch battle, maxing 51. Tuesday the RPF began with an AUSIA costume event, maxing 22, then later held a US costume event, maxing 50. Following this their EU held an EU flash mob event, maxing 42. Their next event was another EU event, a card jistu event, maxing 35. Later that day, RPF would invade Thermal, maxing 25. To begin their Friday, RPF's AUSIA had a training event, maxing 20. Then, their US had a training event, maxing 43. Saturday their AUSIA would have a costume event maxing 41. Ending the week, their EU/US divisions held a branch battle where they maxed 45.
2. Lime Green Army
With the beginnings of war and a whopping 22 events, it is no surprise LGA takes a top spot this week. Sunday kicked off their battle filled week with a defense of Matterhorn maxing 13. The next day, LGA has AUSIA training maxing 7, a defense of Icebox maxing 13, a successful Lime Force invasion of Nevesca maxing 7, and an invasion of Rainbow maxing 12. They began Tuesday with EU war training maxing 7. The rest of their day was filled with battles with a defense of Rocky Road maxing 11, a successful Lime Force invasion of Freeo maxing 7, and an invasion of Sleet maxing 13. One Wednesday things slowed down with only two battles; a victorious AUSIA invasion of Matterhorn maxing 8 and a defense of Ice Bank maxing 15. Thursday was a great day for LGA with three victorious battles and one training session; A successful invasion of Rainbow maxing 10, AUSIA war training also maxing 10, a successful invasion of Rocky Road maxing 13, and a successful defense of Blizzard maxing 11. However, the rest of the week consisted of only losses with a defense of White House maxing 15, an invasion of Sleet maxing 8, a defense of Rainbow maxing 14, on Friday, and a defense of Ice Bank maxing 10, a defense of Rocky Road maxing 7, a Defense of Matterhorn maxing 10, and a defense of Blizzard maxing 9.
3. Shock Troops
Shock Troops started their week with a successful invasion of Matterhorn, maxing 16. They had numerous battles throughout the week, maxing sizes of 8-17. ST ended their week with a successful invasion of Blizzard and Fog.
4. Army of Club Penguin
ACP had a training session to start off the week where they maxed 12. On Monday, their EU division had an Operation: Ghost Gang event to say farewell to the Halloween event, maxing 28. The same day they held a Garrison training session with a max of 20. They then raided igloos with their AUSIA division on Tuesday, and had an Old Warfare training, maxing 11 and 15 respectively. A Trick or Treat event happened the next day with their EU division bringing 12 troops. Later that same day they had a Green Monster stamp hunt where they maxed 30. Operation Shovel March occurred the next day, maxing 40. On Friday, both their AUSIA and EU divisions train for the upcoming November to Remember tournament, maxing 11 and 20. ACP ended the week with an Open Arms training, maxing 13 with their AUSIA division, and having a practice battle with RPFSF, where they maxed 19.
5. Recon Federation
Recon Federation began their week with a successful invasion of Yeti (SuperCPPS), maxing 7, that same day, they held a Welcome party, maxing 17. For their last event of the day, they held a Dragons vs Knights practice battle with a max of 13. The following day, they captured Zero Grau (Pegasus), maxing 7. After this, they successfully invaded Zero Grau (Always Penguin), with a max of 5. That same day, they held a training event with a max of 11. Later on, they held a Bachelor party, maxing 7, at the same time the RFCP women held a training session, maxing 5. On Friday, they held a practice battle with EGCP, with a max of 8. Shortly after, they held a Bachelorette party with a max of 15. To close out their week, they had a practice battle, maxing 12, after this they held two more events, maxing 27 and 28 in each respective event.
6. Elite Guardians
Elite Guardians started their week with an invasion of Smyrna, maxing 7. Later, they invaded Schokoladernkuchen, maxing 10. Following this they had an Area 51 raid event, maxing 12. The same day, they had a hide and seek event maxing 14. On Friday, they held a pokemon event maxing 12, a PB with RFCP maxing 26, and a successful invasion against LGA maxing 27.
7. Romans
Romans has their first full week this week. They started by holding their second event ever since joining the community maxing 6 on Sunday. They then had two recruitment events maxing 19 and 24 on Friday. They ended their week with an event maxing a humble 4 on Saturday.

8. People's Imperial Confederation
People’s Imperial Confederation started their week off with a parade, maxing 8. Next, they successfully invaded The Great Themes of Club Penguin’s server, Bunny Hill with a max of 10. They then held a Rock Band Parade, maxing 10. Next, they held an event with RFCP, maxing 4. For their last event of the week, they held a #TeamTrees event, maxing 13.
9. Wild Ninjas
Wild Ninjas started off their week with a successful invasion of Machu Piccu, maxing 7. On Monday, they had another successful invasion on Deu Branco with the same amount of troops. The next day they added Avalancha to their list of servers with another successful invasion with a max of 9. WN unsuccessfully invaded Arctic Ops' server, Ice Cube, on Wednesday bringing 11 troops.
10. Winged Hussars
Winged Hussars had an eventful week resulting in gaining two new territories. They started their week with a successful invasion of Free Penguin maxing 5 and a game night maxing 3. On Monday, they successfully invaded Migator with a max of 5. The rest of the week was filled with fun events. On Wednesday they held Hide and Seek maxing 5, a recruitment on Thursday maxing 2, a Cart Surfer event on Friday maxing 6, and a Card Jitsu tournament maxing 6 on Saturday.