1. Rebel Penguin Federation [+0] [89.00]
2. Army of Club Penguin [+0] [62.45]
3. Lime Green Army [+1] [49.33]
4. Elite Guardians [+1] [42.89]
5. Templars [NEW!] [37.17]
6. Pizza Federation [+5] [31.00]
7. Winged Hussars [+2] [20.25]
8. Wild Ninjas [+5] [18.50]
9. Underground Mafias Army [-2] [18.00]
10. Os Mascarados [NEW!] [15.50]
<><><><><>Close to the Top Ten<><><><><>
11. Poke Warriors Army [-3] [14.00]
12. Dark Vikings [+2] [4.00]
For full calculations, click HERE.
1. Rebel Penguin Federation
Rebel Penguin Federation began their week with an AUSIA training, maxing 27. That same day, they would reach sizes of 95 in a combined EU/US shovel event. This would be followed up by an AUSIA band event, maxing 28 and a US U-lead maxing 39. Following this up was an EU training event, maxing 31. The next day they held an EU costume event. maxing 37. On Friday they held an AUSIA stamp event, maxing 24 and a training maxing 26. Later, they invaded Marshmallow, maxing 42 followed by a tournament, maxing 25. To conclude their week, RPF had an AUSIA training maxing 30, an EU event maxing 34, and their tournament finals maxing 30.

2. Army of Club Penguin
The ACP began their week with an AUSIA card jistu tournament maxing 10, and a US find four tournament maxing 12. This was followed with a UK operation, where they maxed 25 and a recruiting session where they maxed 23. Later they held a skribbl.io event. The next day they had a recruiting event and a battle among their divisions, maxing 15 and a recruiting event maxing 17. On Wednesday, they held a training session maxing 18 followed by a practice battle against LGA, maxing 16. Another practice battle against LGA would take place, this time maxing 7, followed by formation practice maxing 19. To end their week, they had an operational event maxing 22, a U-lead maxing 16, and tournament finals maxing 20.
3. Lime Green Army
LGA started their week with a Red vs Blue battle maxing 16 on Sunday. The next day, they invaded three servers; Rainbow maxing 7 with their AUSIA division, Ice Box maxing 8 with their EU division, and Covfefe Twilight maxing 15 with their US division. The next two days consisted of practice battles with ACP maxing 9 on both days. On Friday, LGA invaded Glacier with a max of 9 and participated in CPANN’s November to Remember tournament semifinals maxing 12. They finished their week with an invasion of Deep Freeze maxing 7 and an invasion of Husky maxing 13.
4. Elite Guardians
Elite Guardians began their week with an operation, maxing 11. They followed this up with a fair event maxing 11 and an operation maxing 14. After this, they had a formation training maxing 17 then a special tactics event, maxing 13. Then, they invaded Zero Grau, maxing 12. On Saturday, EGCP invaded Oasis maxing 9, then had a card jistu tournament maxing 12.
5. Templars
Templars joined the community this week with their opening event. The next day, they had a training and maxed 7. Later, they had another training event, this time maxing 13. Next, they had a war training and maxed 18. For their last event of the week, they successfully invaded Outback from Pizza Federation, maxing 20.
6. Pizza Federation
Pizza Federation had one event this week; a defense of Outback where they maxed 15.
7. Winged Hussars
WH started their week with recruitment on Sunday maxing 7. The next day, they played Card Jitsu maxing 6. Next, they had a Find Four tournament maxing 7 and hide and seek maxing 5. They finished their week with football training maxing 7.
8. Wild Ninjas

9. Underground Mafias Army
UMA started off their week with an AUSIA recruiting event, maxing 11. Next, they successfully invaded Sled Pegasus and maxed 8.To close off their week, they successfully invaded Skates and maxed 5.
10. Os Mascarados
Os Mascarados joined the community this week with their opening event. Then, they had a training event where they maxed 7.
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